

Monday, April 27, 2015

My Very Best Anything And Everything Rice

Total Time: 1 hr 10 mins Preparation Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 50 mins


  • 1 cup jasmine rice
  • 1 1/4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 -3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 large onion, chopped
  • 1 pinch saffron
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • salt and pepper


  • 1 mix the pinch of saffron into the chicken broth.
  • 2 cook the rice using the chicken broth mixture. **i make the rice in my rice cooker which calls for 1 1/4 cup liquid, if you are making it on the stove then follow the directions on the package of rice for the amount of liquid and if you have a rice cooker be sure to check your own manual for the amount of liquid as they are all different.**.
  • 3 while the rice is cooking sauté the onions in a little oil, on low to med. heat, stirring them frequently. i like to sauté them for awhile (like 20 minutes), so they get caramelized.
  • 4 turn the onions off when they are done to your liking.
  • 5 when the rice is done add another tablespoon or so of olive to the onions turn the heat up a bit and add the cooked rice.
  • 6 stir fry the rice for about 5 minutes and then add the peas and sauté for another 5 minutes or so. i like to really stir fry the rice, so i use the maximum amount of oil. with the heat on med-high i let it sit so some of the rice gets a little crispy, not burned, but crispy on the bottom. - i hope that makes sense!
  • 7 add salt and pepper to taste.
  • 8 now, some variations depending on my mood --.
  • 9 i add diced bell pepper with the onions.
  • 10 or add garlic or fresh sliced mushrooms to the onions 5 or so minutes into their sautéing.
  • 11 i also add some toasted slivered almonds occasionally.
  • 12 and, sometimes i add a handful of fresh parmesan to the finished warm rice, it's really good!
  • 13 you can pretty much do as you please with this; it's so easy and always so good.

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